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live life healthy
Yoga is a form of “Mental Gym” for the mind, which controls the body, and in-turn all the problems and ailments.
About Jijesh Nair

The journey of a Yogi is a special one indeed. It is the returning, re-connecting and re-uniting of our outer-self or body with the inner self or the spirit - of getting in touch with our essence and the fountain of youth within us. The body is the pathway, and repetitive practice is the journey that then needs to be undertaken.
As on all important journeys, the presence of a teacher, guide and instructor adds value and helps us give our best, and also helps us tap into our potential which may be unclear to our own selves.

Jijesh, with his decade worth of experience - practicing and instructing – believes in the power and beauty of the practice of Yoga and its limitless benefits. He believes in laying a strong foundation to begin with, through emphasis on correct breathing, correct posture and mindfulness and then progressing on to building endurance and strength through varying levels of asanas. Only when the foundation is strong, can we, and must we build further.

Jijesh, is a native of Thrissur, Kerala (God’s own country!). After his graduation, he personally began practicing Yoga, and slowly experienced deeper and deeper benefits, relaxation, wisdom and insights. He has formally studied at the famous S-VYASA Yoga University (Teacher’s Training Course) in Bangalore, obtained a Diploma in Yoga from Annamalai University, and also completed the Teacher’s Training Course from Sivananda Vedanta Yoga Centre, Trivandrum. He has traveled across the country and abroad, meeting many Yoga gurus and teachers and learning the best from them.

He currently resides in Dubai, where he conducts Personal Training sessions, ‘Yoga at work’ programs for corporate companies & Banks, regular classes and Yoga Therapy. He also travels to other countries and helps mentor people who wish to get into the Yoga way of life. He likes to read, travel and explore cooking when not working or traveling.

Corporate Wellness

The facts are out there. The rewards of being in a Corporate high pressure-high performance environment come with strings attached. The long hours take a toll on your health and wellness – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. And since any organization is the sum of its individual parts - in other words, its workforce, the organization eventually suffers too!

Stress causes postural problems like back aches, spinal column problems, muscular pain and tightness, loss of flexibility, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and more, besides a list of mental and emotional problems and imbalances.

Is there a way out? A balanced way to maintain performance and productivity and also ensure that the contributors are cared for? Well, sooner or later this will become an important area of focus if any organization wants to be successful!

The holistic approach of Yoga, which targets the mind and the body at the same time, makes it an important tool in this aspect. And since it is a group activity, if done at the workplace, it promotes team work as well!

Some advantages are –
  • Yoga asanas help release and relax the muscles and energy centres in the body.
  • Yoga asanas primarily work at a deep level, thereby helping correct hormonal imbalances in the body.
  • They calm the body and the mind in the same amount of time, unlike other exercise activities.
  • A healthy workforce implies lesser leaves of absenteeism, lesser expenditure on medical bills and more.
  • A calm mind is the key to good performance, effective communication, productivity and excellent results.
  • Since it is done in a group setting, it promotes team bonding and team work and helps reduce attrition.
  • Healthy organizations, needless to say, will do better work and can target better opportunities.
Yoga for Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most common lifestyle related diseases, and one of the key triggers to many other diseases. The World Health Organization reports suggest that more than a million people die every year directly due to Diabetes.

Diabetes is a chronic disease that can happen either if the pancreas gland does not produce enough insulin or if the body cannot use the insulin that is naturally produced. Insulin is the hormone that regulates blood sugar/glucose levels and the absence of it results in Hyperglycemia, or raised blood sugar. This, over time causes serious damage to many body systems, especially the nerves and blood vessels. It also triggers heart diseases, nerve problems, strokes, kidney problems, eye problems and more.

Yoga works at a very deep level, especially at the gland level, and hence can help in regulating the blood insulin levels. Many people are turning to Yoga to control their diabetes and have been very successful.For example, Seated spinal twist asanas massage the kidneys, pancreas, stomach, liver and help in stimulating digestion and regulating insulin secretion.

For example, Seated spinal twist asanas massage the kidneys, pancreas, stomach, liver and help in stimulating digestion and regulating insulin secretion.

Only depending on medication to control diabetes is rarely effective on a long-term basis, and the effort required to deal with the side-effects can really affect the quality of life.

Some advantages are –
  • Most diseases start with the mind being imbalanced or stressed, and Yoga asanas are a great help to calm, center and balance the mind.
  • Yoga asanas can improve efficiency of the endocrine system which regulates hormones and body functions.
  • Specific Yoga asanas work on the pancreas and help regulate insulin production.
  • Yoga also relaxes the muscles and helps improve glucose intake and maintain blood glucose levels.
  • Yoga exercises help reduce levels of stress, manage weight, lower blood pressure, improve blood circulation and immunity, help get good sleep and improve overall well-being

Suryanamaskara, as the name suggests is a salutation to the Sun and consists of a 10-12 step ritual that gives a complete mind-body workout. When done outdoors, early in the morning, it allows the sun’s rays to nourish the body and mind. It’s one of the most holistic and effective exercises available to us.

The 12 poses as mentioned below, complete one set of Suryanamaskara. It starts with one leg in the first half, and shifts on to the other in second half.

(1) Pranamasana
(Salutation posture)

(2) Hastauttanasana
(Raised arm posture)

(3) Padahastasana
(Hand to foot posture)

(4) Ashwa Sanchalanasana
(Equestrian posture)

(5) Parvatasana
(Mountain posture)

(6) Ashtanga Namaskara
(Salutation with eight limbs)

(7) Bhujangasana
(Cobra posture)

(8) Parvatasana
(Mountain posture)

(9) Ashwa Sanchalanasana
(Equestrian posture)

(10) Padahastasana
(Hand to foot posture)

(11) Hastauttanasana
(Raised arm posture)

(12) Pranamasana
(Salutation posture)

Some benefits of Suryanamaskara are –

  • Tones up and strengthens the digestive system because of the alternate stretching and compression of abdominal organs.
  • Ventilates the lungs, oxygenates the blood, and enhances activity of the endocrine glands.
  • Improves blood circulation and hence acts as a detoxifying agent.
  • It refreshes the skin and prevents skin disorders.
  • Makes the spine and waist flexible and increases blood circulation to these areas.
  • Promotes sleep and calms anxiety.


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