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live life healthy
Yoga is a form of “Mental Gym” for the mind, which controls the body, and in-turn all the problems and ailments.

Yoga ? But I am not stressed !!

Probably, the most misconstrued of all the facts, its pure injustice, confining Yoga to just as a means for combating Stress….Because, such a statement grossly overlooks the myriad other benefits that practicing Yoga can provide to the one who practices it rightly.For the layman, Yoga makes you feel healthier—in mind, body and spirit, fresher, more energized and composed, thus making a strong & tough mind and body.

Yoga means “Yuj” Or “Union” of the Self with the Divine Consciousness. The postures and meditation techniques are a methodology to attain that goal.

There are different styles of Yoga-- most common & widely practiced being the ”Ashtanga Yoga” & “Hatha Yoga”, which teaches a number of postures, and breathing techniques…

Even if you don’t believe in the spiritual side of Yoga, you can still practice it, for the number of health benefits it delivers.
Our Services

Personal Training

One-on-one focused and planned sessions, designed especially for you and personally instructed to ensure best results, at the comfort of your own home. Excellent for beginners to start off with, and also a good idea for advanced practitioners to challenge themselves!.

Yoga at Work

The most productive break from work you will ever take! As for the organization, a healthy workforce will help increase productivity, reduce money spent on medical treatments, decrease number of absent employees, reduce attrition and improve overall quality of life.

Yoga Therapy

All diseases are the result of imbalances in the body, and mental or emotional stress. Yoga postures are inherently designed to correct the imbalances and help achieve relaxation, especially with respect to lifestyle related diseases.
Personal programs focused on your health problem will be designed and the instructor will support and monitor your progress.

Regular Classes

One-hour of fun, in a group setting, all focused on getting fit and healthy. This is especially for those who like group settings, and are looking to maintain their good health.
To design a program for you, or your organization, connect with us..


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